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2 Resultados de traducción para potential en español

noun | adjective

potential noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
potencial; potencial (eléctrico)

Ejemplos de uso de
potential noun

  • Scientists are exploring the potentials of the new drug.
  • The new technology has the potential to transform the industry.
  • There is potential in the new technology, but it will be a long time before it can actually be used.
  • The company has a lot of potential for future growth.
  • He has the potential to be one of the team's best players.
  • He shows enormous potential as an athlete.

potential adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
potencial, posible

Ejemplos de uso de
potential adjective

  • Doctors are excited about the new drug's potential benefits.
  • Critics say the factory poses a potential threat to the environment.
  • He is a potential candidate for president.
  • The project has potential risks.

Sinónimos de
potential adjective

Sinónimos detallados para potential adjective

Ver: Latent

Traducción inversa para potential

potencial  (eléctrico)
potencial  - potential 
posible  - possible 
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